Diego Rocca: Prana - Streaming, mp3 | VDE-GALLO


VDE DO-1632

Diego Rocca: Prana

Beyond the Cosmos – Chaotic Melody – Sanga – Dark Ritual – New Better World – Reset – Dharma – The Awakening – Japa – Prorock Mania – The Irish Song – The Devil’s Dance – The Labyrinth.

Diego Rocca is a multi-instrumentalist composer-performer.
Of Italian origin, he lives in Switzerland. He is known as a professional organist and for having performed in various radio and TV broadcasts on national channels (including, in Eurovision, on 21 April 2019). Accustomed since childhood to performing in public, he has over the years perfected a personal technique that allows him, during certain performances, to perform complex musical parts using two different instruments at the same time. His musical production is extremely varied: sacred and secular music, solemn and mystical, progressive rock and music for documentaries and films. He began his training under the guidance of a paternal uncle and, almost immediately, also showed a keen interest in string, percussion and wind instruments. A passion to which he never ceases to devote himself, as a perfect self-taught musician. It was finally in Bern, at the University of the Arts, that he completed his studies as an organist.

See the video of the “Couleurs Locales” program of the RTS


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